sábado, 23 de janeiro de 2010


”Wake up…” A soft voice called from behind a veil. “Wake up…” Something wasn’t quite right, it seemed. Be it the soft mist that covered the entire area, be it the enchanting song deafening him, something wasn’t quite right. “Wake up…” And again, inebriated, he heard that same voice. "I’m sorry… I’ve grown tired of it all… My mind isn’t what is once had been… This new found solitude I’m trapped in is far too unsettling, I fear I might not endure it for much longer… I’m sorry…" And as he walked into the mist, to the mermaid’s calling, he felt there was no way out of his own life. "Maybe I should end it all… Maybe I should…" Again and again he spoke these silent words. For some reason, saying it to himself made it easier to keep on into the unknown, into what whatever his puppeteer had placed there for him. “Wake…” As an echo of a distant cry, he was no longer aware of anything but his uncertainty. “… up.”

The mist slowly cleared and he came to a halt. As he regained his composure and vaguely took in his surroundings, he dropped his head and bathed himself. His fringes dripping the same blood-red water he was covered in up to his waist, he felt his head a bit lighter, whereas his feet were drenched and his sandals weighing down prevented any movement. Fortunately, he was still sober enough to take them off, should he have the strength to lean down. Still, while concluding his abashed reasoning, something turned odd yet again. "Wait… Wasn’t I wet?" He quickly scanned his body for any drop of water, any sign he’d just be inside a lake. "Wait… Lake? Where’s the lake?" His mind still bleak from whatever hideous curse, "Right, the lake evaporated from all this heat. Must’ve been that." He stopped his train of senseless thought to try to make out where he was. Finding no comfort in doing so, he resumed the scan of his own skin, for the mere satisfaction of looking at something familiar. Nevertheless, skin there was none. He was not man, and didn’t recall ever being man. I am bird. I am hawk. “Wake up… ”

Oh! And what beautiful hawk he was! Just under a meter long, with wings that extended over 6 feet. His dark hair had given in to a grayish plumage covering his entire body, except for his head and the tip of his wings where the feathers came to a wood-like brown. His beak, twisted downwards at the end, was half-gray half-black as most hawks’. And in awe at what he’d always been, ecstatic for this new peace of mind, he was bird no more. He rose with a smile on his face, his long protruding wings opened wide from his back. Part man, part hawk, he ran for a while, not knowing where to go, stuck in that fake world, but free within his mind. With a quick jump and a flick of wings he took the skies. And at long last he’d found himself. As he was not bird, not man, but both.

“Wake up Crand.”

Non Existencial Knowable Object

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